Embedded Videos playing in pdf
Natalie Bramble
Currently the video embedded player takes you away from the book onto the video hosts website. firstly it would be good if it opened in a new tab. Secondly it would be good to be able to play the video within the pdf book. I know Adobe you can do it but it would be good if we don't have to go through all those extra steps!! Thanks :)
Orlando Delgado
Grant Angus
Maybe it sounds for feasible to be able to embed directly onto your page.IE: PUB HTML5
Debra Hillier
This would be amazing! What a huge plus!
Steven Kirch
This would be a game-changer!
Grant Angus
Exactly. Would be great to Drag n Drop videos the same as for images
Grant Angus
I can place a video directly into Flip HTML5. Why not here.
Paul Bannister
Roy Thompson
I've looked into this as well and see it is doable on other platforms, but that may be due to their set up. I'm engaging in the same interactive video and audio as well. I can collaborate with others if that is allowed?
Rich Farrell
Yes, I really need this feature as well for video and audio links (I do not want it to go to another page or tab).
Pankaj Sanghi
Really need this.
Paul Bannister
under review
Christopher Mooney
Paul Bannister: Natalie's suggestion is a great one. I've also made a case for embeds in flipbooks on another thread. Is there a timeline for this?
I am repeating my request here as well:
My business is in education. Only having the capacity to add multimedia links takes the reader away from the source doc and may be a deal breaker for me in the long run as I see my target audience asking for more eBooks with an embedded audio button function. I don't know whether video is easier than audio. Both would be great options. I am personally more interested in using original recordings but I can also see the value in AI text to voice readers.
I can see that downloadable PDFs with embeds won't work because the PDF format doesn't support that, thus links are best for downloadable products.
However, being able to embed clickable audio and video files would bring Designerr on par with products like Book Creator, admittedly not a marketing tool per se. Their target audience is mainly children and schools. Here's a sample of mine: https://read.bookcreator.com/UUS9BGZsdVSfj0D5M7oLrrpziPi2/z3mMru5uTZ6-8Ti88O9Zow
In my experience, given the option, people want more multimedia functionality with flipbooks. The rise in audio book sales and in podcasting are indicators. That will only increase in the future.
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